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Enhancing product transparency. Reinforcing your credibility. Advancing green procurement. 

EcoSpex connects manufacturers and suppliers of healthy/green building materials and products to the professionals delivering tomorrow’s sustainable buildings.

In the increasingly complex green building marketplace, skeptical and time-constrained building product developers, designers, builders and purchasers are demanding greater transparency, accuracy and consistency in product information as environmental, “healthy”, “green” and technical performance standards become more stringent. Building product manufacturers and buyers alike are struggling to meet this growing demand and how exactly they should evaluate and compare the environmental profiles of similar products and materials.

Learn more about the benefits, set up an appointment to see the full DEMO.


By 2017, over 90% of surveyed construction, engineering and design professionals expect to specify or install some type of green building product. - McGraw Hill Construction

Trying to get the AEC or utility clients to specify your building product?

How can building product specifiers and purchasers easily and efficiently compare like products? And how do green building material and product manufacturers bring their products to market as cost effectively as possible while competing to be recognized among thousands of other products?No matter what types of building products and material you manufacture, understanding what influences the AEC decisions is key to growing your business.



The EcoSpex verified product listing helps green building product manufacturers convert sustainability and challenging technical requirements into market leadership.

We advance the recognition of sustainable products and reduce procurement risks for end-users by bringing trusted content and transparency to the sustainable building marketplace. Positioned to be the leading go-to on-line site for green building materials selection, best practices and market intelligence, EcoSpex is designed as an intuitive productivity tool for architects, designers and construction professionals.

We help building product manufacturers registered with EcoSpex bring products to market and reach target markets as a preferred green building product manufacturer/supplier. Whether you have a new or improved product, EcoSpex gives it the needed visibility with the value-add that makes the difference in being trusted, selected, specified and used time after time.


Investing in third-party green product verification is a necessity to prove a product’s sustainability and technical requirements and benefits. EcoSpex helps green product manufacturers further differentiate themselves from other brands by demonstrating their product claims have been verified based on robust, proven methodologies.

Our audience spans all major segments of the building industry providing exposure to a broad range of end users. 

The added-valued from specifications and documentation makes a profound impact on the productivity of specifiers. This is why EcoSpex regularly received comments like, "Finally, someone gets it”!

Positively impact your market and bottom-line! Registering your verified green/sustainable building products with EcoSpex will improve your bottom-line, here's how:              

  • Architects Trust Us - EcoSpex product listings have been 3rd party verified through a robust quality assurance process. EcoSpex keeps a record of all product searches and saved items...so AEC professionals will have ongoing access to details for current and new projects.

  • Future-Proof Your Products - Find out what design and construction professionals are seeking to help streamline and communicate LEEDv4 requirements, EcoSpex has developed a priority alignment letter in a standardized format to help project teams complete theUSGBC Building Product Disclosure & Optimization (BPDO) Calculator.

  • Brand Profile - Showcase your healthy/sustainable product brand identity to the AEC and utility professionals through our newsletters, media links, industry endorsements in realtime projects.

  • Spotlight your Healthy, Sustainable and Technical Product Attribute - Professional can easily access product details connected to one or more projects with a dedicated case study highlighting your technical story.

  • Connect with AEC professionals and build direct relationships - EcoSpex connects product manufacturers with influential architects, designers,engineers, property managers, contractors and utilities and searching for green/sustainable products for all types of buildings.

  • Access real-time product analytics - EcoSpex ROI Analysis will help you see how AEC professionals are interacting with your data...on their projects and with their teams.

  • Simplified Procurement - The EcoSpex search engine and standardized online tool provides the AEC professionals with an efficient, fast and easy way to identify product details, reducing the procurement process.

  • Lead Generation - AEC professionals are one click away from contacting you about a project, type/stage/value, a request for a quote or a request for more information. All leads are referred to you directly.
  • Target your Ideal Customer - EcoSpex aggressive go-to-market strategies will connect your product directly to your target AEC audience.

Join the PILOT now and discover how EcoSpex accelerates your growth.

Contact us to learn more about our services and to join the Pilot please contact: (705) 445-1256 or Email:julie@ecospex.com

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           EcoSpex Capability Sheet                                     EcoSpex Pilot: Join Today  
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